I would really appreciate any discussion that I can learn how to code better in rust/wasm or coding in general. So if you have some suggestions, please point them out. Thx. Into It always fascinated me to explore how rust/wasm and webworker can be used together. For people with short memory span like me, it’s always nice to be able to understand the context of asynchronous task marked after async/await.
Aframe dragndrop component
Intro In the course of developing an aframe component for a client, I’ve learned some tricks regarding threejs. Detect cursor event from the 2D web into 3D scene. Translate 2D behaviour into the 3D world. Threejs screen/world conversion. I will talk about each of them in the following segmens. mouse cursor events in AFRAME After aframe 0.9.0, things become much integrated when it comes to capture the cursor events into aframe component.